Baceno. Orridi di Uriezzo
Pubblicato : Jeudi, 22 février, 2024 - 15:43
Can canyons also exist in Piedmont? Well yes, in the Antigorio Valley there is a series of canyons carved into the granite by torrents that in the past flowed downstream of the Toce Glacier and called Orridi di Uriezzo. About 12,000 years ago, this was the site of the Toce Glacier, in whose valley numerous streams and waterfalls flowed, eroding the rock over time to form this particular and fascinating natural spectacle that we now call 'Orridi di Uriezzo'. The narrow valleys, tortuous tunnels and gorges that can be admired today were formed once the glaciers disappeared. The drying up of the various streams fed by the glaciers left room for a veritable canyon that can be visited on foot today.
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Baceno. Church of San Gaudenzio
Pubblicato : Mardi, 20 février, 2024 - 21:18
Situated on a rocky spur, the Church of San Gaudenzio is one of the best examples of Romanesque architecture in Italy. The present building is the result of an interesting superimposition of extensions from different periods. In fact, the earliest evidence of the church is in a document from the early eleventh century. The splendid Romanesque façade is made entirely of stone and on its right side one can admire a gigantic St Christopher painted in 1542. The Monumental Church of San Gaudenzio in Baceno at night is at its best, thanks to a recent work of implementation of the lighting points that further enhance its most relevant architectural aspects.
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Vogogna. Visconti Castle
Pubblicato : Lundi, 19 février, 2024 - 18:36
The Visconti Castle of Vogogna stands on a rise from which it dominates the village below: the defensive intentions that moved its commissioner, Giovanni Maria Visconti, who wished to build a bulwark for the entire valley and in particular for the village of Vogogna, which in 1328 became the capital of Ossola Inferiore, are evident. The oldest nucleus consists of the square tower, the only part not affected by the 1990 restoration, and the portion of the walls closest to the mountain. From the end of the 18th century, the castle became municipal property and was used as a place of imprisonment for both political prisoners and common criminals.
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Mergozzo. Blue path
Pubblicato : Dimanche, 18 février, 2024 - 16:18
This route, ideal in all seasons, is within everyone's reach in terms of both length (less than 6 km) and difficulty. Starting from the centre of Mergozzo, the trail leads along the eastern side of the lake, the wilder side, along the flank of Montorfano, the solitary mountain that emerges from the plain of the River Toce. Among woods, suggestive views of the lake and signs of ancient granite quarries, you reach the Belvedere, where you can admire a breathtaking view of Lake Maggiore, the Borromeo Gulf and the mouth of the Toce.
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Mergozzo. Lakefront
Pubblicato : Samedi, 17 février, 2024 - 19:22
In summer, bathers of various nationalities flock to Lake Mergozzo, attracted by its clear waters, while in other seasons tourists are content to stroll along the lake's sunny shores. In any season, however, there is no better place than the lakefront to fully enjoy the serene and relaxed atmosphere of this small town, Mergozzo, and its beautiful lake. Starting from its square where its symbol dominates, a five-century-old elm tree, towers.
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Lake Mergozzo
Pubblicato : Vendredi, 16 février, 2024 - 19:36
Situated a few kilometres from Lake Orta and bordering (via a canal) Lake Maggiore, Lake Mergozzo often remains unexplored in the eyes of visitors. This is due to the presence of Montorfano, an isolated mountain that occupies half of its shores and hides it from the main tourist routes. In spite of its low altitude, thanks to the placid atmosphere of its village, Mergozzo, and the ban on motor boats, one breathes the enchanted aura of an Alpine lake.
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Candelo. Medieval Ricetto
Pubblicato : Jeudi, 15 février, 2024 - 19:30
The Ricetto di Candelo is a late-medieval (13th - 14th century) fortified structure built by the local farming community, without any feudal intervention, which was intended to provide stable protection for the community's most precious possessions, namely the produce of the land, primarily grain and wine. Only in extreme cases of danger, and for a short time, did the population also take refuge there. With a pseudo-pentagonal ground plan, it is surrounded by defensive walls built of stream pebbles, at the corners four round towers ensured defence and, halfway along the north side, a square curtain tower. The secret of the monument's splendid state of preservation and the fact that it can be considered a 'unicum' of its kind, lies in the totally peasant use that was made of it until very recently and to some extent still today.
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Oropa. Eating Polenta Concia
Pubblicato : Mercredi, 14 février, 2024 - 17:50
To think that Oropa is just religion and mountains is reductive. Wandering within the walls of the sanctuary, or just outside it, one notices a conspicuous presence of restaurants. In each of them there is no lack of the typical dish par excellence of the place: 'polenta cunscia'. The term 'polenta concia' is used in different parts of Italy, but in the Biella area it indicates a very creamy polenta, in which plenty of fatty cheese (Toma of Oropa and Maccagno) has been melted and then served with melted butter.
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